participation academy workshop
Fri, 28. June 2024 10:00 Uhr

Art of Community

Die Neue Freundschaften Summerschool
von 28.6.-6.7.2024
Villa am Glanzstoff-Gelände, Herzogenburger Straße 69
© Katie Aileen Dempsey


After almost two years, the event series “Neue Freundschaften” (new friendships) continues in summer 2024 in the Villa at Herzogenburger Straße 67. As part of the “Art of Community” summer school, various (young) professionals from the fields of art, activism, curation, mediation and social work will meet and live together for ten days. They will share their perspectives on local community work and reflect on strategies for cooperation and communal growth.

In addition to visiting the festival and community cooking, “Art of Community” will offer four laboratories with experts providing deep insight into community and art projects seeking solutions for representation, effectiveness and the power to act. In addition skill-sharing opportunities are planned and space will be created for discussion and talks with international experts. The aim of “Art of Community” is the strengthening of international networks which stand up against inhuman policies and support solidarity against loneliness and isolation.

In addition, participants of the summer school are invited to present their various communities and discuss questions such as: What defines a community? How do we connect with others? Who is welcome? Who is never invited? How do we create sustainable structures for multi-perspective community work?

Throughout this period, the doors of the Villa will be open for local communities and interested people to create public moments with cooking and eating together, conversations and music, culminating in a neighbourhood party open to all.


Community Labs:

„Ich will Teil einer queeren Bewegung sein“ with Queer Museum Vienna

„Wie werde ich ein Migrantpolitan?“ with Larry Macaulay, Anas Aboura, Nadine Jensen from Migrantpolitan

„future flowing – träume träumen“ with Karin Cheng, Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç, Anna Schapiro

„Transnationale Geschichte: Eine Reise durch Romani-Lebenswelten“ with Simonida Selimović and Hamze Bytyçi



Panel with Michaela Moser (FH Soziales, Die Armutskonferenz), Conny Scheuer (Verein BIZEPS), Stephan Kuß (Kunsthaus Wien), SOS Balkanroute, Carlos Maria Romero aka Atabey (HKW Berlin), Seebrücke Herzogenburg, Diakonie St.Pölten u. a

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