Open Call / Fine Arts / Exhibition
City gallery
Art in showcases and empty spaces
Stadt-Galerie. Kunst in Schaukästen und Leerständen © Lorena Moreno Vera

In September 2024, show windows, display cases and vacant business premises in St. Pölten’s city centre will be temporarily used for artistic purposes.

When wandering through St. Pölten, one repeatedly encounters showcases, empty business premises and shop windows that no longer have a function. Shop displays bear witness to a past that seems to stand still and remains untouched by the present. Together with artists from St. Pölten, Tangente wants to flood these vacancies with the present, fill them with new life and suggest possibile uses. The approaches are diverse: from visual art to works with text, sound or video. Public space becomes a platform for presentation, expression and communication.


Tangente Festival invites people to create art about and with the festival themes of ecology, memory and democracy, to make statements, to design smaller and larger spaces and thus attain visibility. What emerges will then be on display in September during the third peak of Tangente. Each of these showcases is meant to be an invitation to become more familiar with the city and its inhabitants – or to explore new corners and make fresh acquaintances.

Open Call



Exhibition period



Opening of the exhibition



Application to: with "Stadt-Galerie" in the subject line


The selection will be made by an independent jury and will be announced by mid-July 2024.

In co-operation with Hippolyt & Töchter Art in public space

© Hippolyt & Töchter
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