theatre performance music austrian premiere
Fr, 3. May 2024 13:00

Shared Landscapes

Caroline Barneaud / Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll)
Sieben Stücke zwischen Wald und Wiese

Today's performance is taking place despite the rain. 

Free shuttle bus from St. Pölten railway station (north exit) at 12.30 pm

Umgebung St. Pölten

Past event

© Sarah Imsand


How to approach the landscape without simultaneously creating a distance from it? What if art did not imitate nature but enabled us to experience it differently? These are the questions posed by the project “Shared Landscapes”. 


Caroline Barneaud, curator, and Stefan Kaegi, theatre director (Rimini Protokoll), invite the audience to leave the theatre and spend a whole day in nature on the outskirts of St. Pölten among trees, meadows, human, and non-human inhabitants. In the open air, a new kind of community emerges at the intersection of city and country. Walking together, the audience experiences seven productions – musical sculptures, sound creations, choreographic audio tours, subverted picnics and philosophical plays – that will connect nature and culture. By involving various regional partners and participants, the local staging of this European project will be created in the hilly surroundings of St. Pölten. During “Shared Landscapes” visitors of all ages and backgrounds can experience, how theatre engages in a dialogue with nature. 



Video: Making of & Trailer



Practical information

What is “Shared Landscapes”

“Shared Landscapes” is an open-air art journey consisting of 7 pieces conceived by 10 international artists, and an invitation to spend a leisurely afternoon in the countryside.

Each piece offers a "variation on the theme of landscape", postulates that the landscape is not just a backdrop and invites us to reflect on our relationship with nature. These pieces take different forms: audio guides, hijacked picnics, virtual reality, outdoor music and other surprises.

“Shared Landscapes” is a European project that premiered at the Chalet-à-Gobet by the Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne and then relocated at the Avignon Festival, in Berlin, Milan, Slovenia, Spain, Austria and Portugal.



Getting ready

The show takes place in all weather conditions and will only be cancelled in case of heavy rain or thunderstorms. In this scenario, you will receive an email allowing you to move your booking to another date.

Dress according to the weather and your personal needs as if you were going on a day trip (shoes, rain gear, water bottle, cap, tick repellent, walking sticks, etc.). We will lend you blankets and some stools to sit on.



Course of the day

The pieces last between 30 and 40 minutes. There are breaks of various lengths to enable people to move around, go to the toilet, chat, drink or eat.

Reception staff are there all day to guide you and assist you if necessary.

The distances between the pieces are relatively short (between 1h15 and 1h45 of walking in total) and the difference in altitude is slight. Travel is done in a group, across fields, on dirt roads and sometimes in the forest.

The last show will end before sunset to ensure your safe return to the train station St. Pölten or Vienna Volkstheater.

Total duration: 7 hours


Drink and eat

You can order a picnic box prepared by local producer figl Catering. Either while purchasing the ticket in our ticket shop, or via email to

The picnic box costs 9,90 Euro. A pre-order is necessary!

We sell the picnic boxes on behalf of figl Catering (Figl St. Pölten-Ratzersdorf restaurant).

These baskets do not include drinks. 


Classic picnic box:

- 4 slices of bread, raw vegetables, homemade spreads,
- Ham & Cheese, Grapes, Sweet Trifles;
- 2x compostable plates and 2x compostable knives, napkins


Vegetarian picnic box:

- 4 slices of bread, raw vegetables, homemade spreads, 
- Cheese, grapes, sweet treat;
- 2x compostable plates and 2x compostable knives, napkins


Please note that if the event is cancelled due to force majeure such as heavy rain or severe thunderstorms, the price of the pre-ordered lunch package cannot be refunded.


You are also welcome to bring your own food, drinks and snacks for your picnic.


We recommend bringing a water bottle, which can be refilled at refill stations. There are no supermarkets in the immediate vicinity and no restaurants on site.



Accessibility for people with reduced mobility

Due to the uneven surface of the unpaved forest ground (stones, branches lying on the ground, tree roots, etc.), this event is not completely barrier-free.

If you have any questions about your visit to the event, please contact our Ticket Office per email to



Getting there from St. Pölten

There will be a shuttle bus from the train station St. Pölten (meeting point “Ausgang Nord” at 12.30 pm, for free) and a shuttle bus from Vienna Volkstheater (meeting point Bellariastraße at 12 pm (both ways for 18€) – more information and booking on the website.

Return shuttle to the train station St. Pölten or Vienna Volkstheater. Reservations can be made online, by email or by phone at the same time as your ticket.



Getting there from Vienna

Travel comfortably from Vienna: The shuttle bus from Elite Tours for EUR 18 (EUR 15 for those under 26) takes you directly to the venue in the St. Pölten area and back (free programme booklet included).

Book your journey online (directly at the respective event), at the St. Pölten ticket office or via Elite Tours T: +43 1/513 22 25 18

Please note that we can only guarantee you a fixed place on the bus if you book early!

The bus transfer starts at the Volkstheater (Bellariastraße, 1010 Vienna)



On site

Eco toilets are available on site.

Don't load up unnecessarily. No changing rooms or lockers in the forest!

For reasons of nature and fire protection, smoking is only permitted in designated places.

Thank you for taking care of the forest and its inhabitants. Please take your rubbish with you, there are no bins.



Is the performance suitable for children?

Although the pieces have not been specifically designed for a child audience, none of the pieces contain violent scenes or inappropriate language. Children accompanied by adults are therefore welcome.

Children aged 5 to 12 can be looked after on site from 4pm until the end of the day, including a snack break, during the performances on 4.,5., 11. and 12. May.
To take advantage of these activities, registration is required by e-mail to, specifying the child's first name and age. The activity is included in the price of the ticket.



Is it possible to come with a dog?

Dogs are not allowed on the premises.



Safety instructions and rules

To be on the safe side, we would like to ensure that this extraordinary theatre and art project is an inspiring experience for all audience members. We therefore kindly ask you to respect the following rules and safety measures:

There is an absolute smoking ban on the entire site. Any violation will result in exclusion from the event.

Dogs are not allowed on the premises.

Please be aware of possible risks from ticks, hornets, wasps, thorns and falling branches.

Entering the forest is at your own risk.

Entering areas outside the designated paths is not permitted.



“Shared Landscapes” is part of the project “Performing Landscape”, a collaboration between cultural institutions, artists, and scientists, who that develop a reflection on the notions of art, landscape, and territory. They draw a visible and invisble map of the different places they visit and through the prism of arts and sciences they unveil the spaces they share.


Further information


Co-production in the framework of the European project consortium "Performing Landscape": Bunker/Mladi Levi Festival, Culturgest, Festival d’Avignon, Temporada Alta, Zona K/Piccolo, Teatro di Milano, Teatro d’Europa, Tangente St. Pölten – Festival für Gegenwartskultur.


In co-production with Berliner Festspiele. Concept supported by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (DE); in partnership with INVR.SPACE GmbH for the virtual reality headsets VR Cinema Solution.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


    • Konzept und Kuratierung
      Caroline Barneaud und Stefan Kaegi
    • Produktion
      Rimini Apparat, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
    • Lokale Produktion
      Tangente St. Pölten - Festival für Gegenwartskultur
    • Musiker:innen von Studio Dan
      Doris Nicoletti – Flöte, Anna Guggenberger – Tuba, Daniel Riegler – Posaune, Damaris Richerts – Trompete, Julia Schreitl – Saxophon, Viola Falb – Saxophon, Musikalische Leitung
    • Performance
      Anna Rot, Yakut Dogan, Antoine Effroy

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